Dental school dean tells graduates "Center your purpose."

Encourages lifelong learning

Dear Class of 2024 Graduates of the School of Dentistry,

Congratulations on your commencement day!

Your graduation is a significant lifetime achievement and the result of many years of hard work and personal sacrifice. Your accomplishments are a direct reflection of your unwavering commitment to excellence in education and professional service.

Thank you for choosing West Virginia University and the WVU School of Dentistry for your studies. Your School of Dentistry family is incredibly proud of you and share in your excitement. You will forever be the Class of 2024. Your shared experiences and journey together as a class are formative. It is important, that as classmates, you remain connected as members of each other’s professional network.

Center your purpose. It is not static and evolves and matures as you grow personally and professionally. As healthcare professionals, your commitment to clinical excellence, safety and high-quality patient-centered care must be at the very epicenter of our profession and your practice.

Maintaining a strong focus on the needs of our patients is a core value of our profession. The profession of dentistry is dynamic and changing rapidly. The importance of lifelong learning and continuing professional education has never been more important – stay engaged, stay current and stay relevant to those entrusted to our care.

Today is a day of celebration and appreciation. Celebrating your accomplishments is well earned and very well deserved. Sharing your appreciation with family, friends and loved ones for their encouragement and support is also a must.

On behalf of the faculty, staff and your fellow students at the School of Dentistry, it is our pleasure to extend congratulations and best wishes to our newest dentists, dental hygienists and dental specialists. We wish you much success and all the best in your future endeavors.

Let’s Go, Mountaineers!

Stephen Pachuta