Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
WVU strives to create a safe, diverse, hospitable, and integrated community regardless of race, creed, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic class. Diversity at Health Sciences matters. Consequently the School of Dentistry Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)committee, repudiate and censure all acts against the principles of inclusion, social justice, intersectionality, equity and diversity. We advocate for a welcoming environment in which all individuals- patients, students, staff and faculty can feel secure, free, and treated with respect, dignity and nondiscrimination.
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee of the WVU School of Dentistry acknowledges and esteems the fundamental values and dignity of all faculties, residents, students, staff and patients regardless of gender, race, age, language, religion, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, political belief, social standing or other status. We embrace diversity, promote equitable treatment, and advocate for a stimulating, varied, professional and dynamic learning environment that addresses present and future oral health needs of our population, in an unbiased manner.
Our school does not condone prejudice or inequity. We are here for our community. For support, please feel free to contact the school’s DEI committee.