Bouquot Scholarship for Excellence in Research
About Dr. Bouquot
Pictured (l-r): Dr. Bryan Whitaker, Carol Whitaker, Dr. Jerry Bouquot
This scholarship is offered in honor of Dr. Jerry E. Bouquot for his accomplishments in the oral health care field. He has taught oral and maxillofacial pathology for the past 50 years; discovered and named over 40 diseases; published more than 340 papers, abstracts, books, and book chapters; and peer-reviewed more than 1,500 scientific papers for over 40 journals. Originally from Minnesota, Dr. Bouquot loves his adopted home state and is a fixture at WVU. He has received more than 50 honors and awards, including WVU’s highest awards for teaching and service to humanity. It is hoped this scholarship will acknowledge the accomplishments of students in the oral health sciences which may spark the development of future scientist/clinicians.
Dr. Bryan and Carol Whitaker established the Bouquot Scholarship for Excellence in Research.
“Dr. Bouquot has a heart and a passion for the school,” Bryan Whitaker said. “It’s such a blessing for us to be able to do something tangible that can directly help students and hopefully inspire students by all Dr. Bouquot’s accomplishments by recognizing the Bouquot name.”
The applicant must be a full-time student or resident pursuing a degree or certificate of specialization in one of the oral health science programs at WVU. Undergraduate students at WVU may also be eligible if engaged in a research project involving oral health. Applications will be accepted until April 30 of a given year. An abstract must be submitted as a poster for presentation and the winner will be selected by the executive committee of the West Virginia Section of the Pierre-Fauchard Academy. All posters will be displayed at the annual WV Section of the PFA meeting which is usually held in May. Applicants do not need to be present at the meeting. The winner will be invited to attend the meeting and also be awarded $1,000 to be used to further their education.
Qualified candidates shall be recommended by the appropriate officials in the School of Dentistry and approved by the WVU Office of Financial Aid.
Support the Scholarship
Those interested in supporting the Bouquot scholarship can give online (Fund Code 2S647).