PROS 688. Advanced Clinical Prosthodontics. 1-6 Hours.
Advanced prosthodontics practice in the areas of fixed and removable partial dentures, complete dentures, tempromandibular dysfunction, maxillofacial prosthetics and implant prosthodontics.
PROS 675. Introduction to Advanced Prosthodontics. 2 Hours.
This course is a composite of several phases of instruction designed to quickly raise the level of knowledge of the First Year Resident in laboratory techniques and clinical instrumentation.
PROS 676. Introduction to Advanced Complete Dentures Prosthodontics. 2 Hours.
PR: PROS 675. The Advanced Complete Denture course covers all phases of complete denture treatment and is designed to accelerate first year Prosthodontic Residents beyond the basic knowledge expected of the general dentist. Laboratory exercises and demonstrations are scheduled throughout the course to practice the various techniques discussed.
PROS 677. Introduction to Removable Prosthodontics. 1 Hour.
PR: PROS 676. This course will provide the resident with the foundational principles of RPD treatment planning, framework design, preprosthetic surgery, material selection, and adjunctive procedures (i.e., Survey Crowns, Implant Retention).
PROS 678. Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontic Theory. 2 Hours.
PR: PROS 676. This course will provided the resident with the foundational principles of fixed restoration treatment planning, smile design and esthetics, crown preparation, material selection, and cementation selection and procedures.
PROS 680. Prosthodontic Classic Literature Review. 1 Hour.
Provides seminar discussions on the topics of: basic prosthodontic techniques, advanced prosthodontic techniques, prosthodonitc literature review, case presentation, advanced prosthodontic theory, topical analysis: fixed, removable, implant, maxillofacial, temporomandibular disorders, dental materials, digital dentistry and legal aspects of clinical practice.
PROS 681. Prosthodontic Current Literature Review. 1 Hour.
Provides seminar discussions on the topics of: Current Prosthodontics techniques, current prosthodontics literature review, and legal aspects of clinical practice.